So, I've been trying to come up with some ideas for projects for my Raspberry Pi. These are some of the better ones:
First one is for use with Minecraft Pi edition..
First one is for use with Minecraft Pi edition..
So, here it is, couple the Raspberry with a GPS, take the GPS data and convert the coordinates into 1m increments maybe set a different map datum as well, so where you are is Zero, Zero, Zero. Take that coordinate data and use the following bit of code:
world.setBlock(x,y,z,blockTypeId (Say stone or dirt, whatever))
Take the x, y and z data from your GPS and you've got a little system you can walk about with and it'll crudely map the terrain you're walking over. Of course you'd have to walk every metre of an area you want... but the idea is there.
Second, this one i'm thinking of doing more seriously. Again, needs a GPS, and a tracked robot. So, I work on a farm, we have lots of fields. Something that would be useful to know is the surface moisture, as it can tell us a lot about what is happening in the field, is there a blocked drain, do we need to put one in, will the yield of this area be good or is it too water logged. (There are more interesting things to know about a field, ie Nitrate concentraiton, humus thickness, compaction etc, but moisture is the easiest to get a reading on).
So, moisture probe on a stick. Set the boundaries of the field into the computer, and set the little rover off. Every metre or so, stick goes into the ground and result gets recorded. Get this throughout the field and plug the data into ArcMap, turn it into a heat map and you've got a nice indicator of how the fields look moisture wise. Would probably reveal some interesting trends... Maybe. This could also work as a hand held probe thing, which would save on programming, but would require a bit more leg work and time.
With the hand held probe, could use LED indicators to point to the next sample point, then maybe a LED to indicate when to sample.
Ideas Ideas!
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