Notice to YSPilots/YSFLIGHT

Notice to YSPilots/YSFLIGHT
Legacy Pack available under the YSFLIGHT category.
Any individual requests for a model must be made to my email address, see bottom of the page..

Sunday, 15 March 2009

Doves return to the garden for a bit

Spotted the 2 Collared doves in the garden again today. Though they didnt stop for very long, just landed on the wall and by the time I'd grabbed my camera they'd flown off.
On the note of cameras;
Just purchased a new lens for my Nikon. Its a 500mm fixed aperture lens, but its a manual focus, thats the only downside. Still, with my teleconverter its a 1000mm with a 11.2f aperture.
Has slightly broken the bank a bit, but it'll live.
My cuccumbers have finally died. Fully dead dead.
Coursework progress:
3/6 done.

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