Notice to YSPilots/YSFLIGHT

Notice to YSPilots/YSFLIGHT
Legacy Pack available under the YSFLIGHT category.
Any individual requests for a model must be made to my email address, see bottom of the page..

Tuesday, 30 October 2012

Down for the count

Oh great, so my sore throat from yesterday decided it was going to kick in, leaving me with a temperature and the inability to talk... So this morning I just did the routines and went back to bed... This afternoon my betters half helped me out and did the whey rub and routines for me. Oh I am a lucky man having her :) lets hope it's better tomorrow.

Monday, 29 October 2012

First day of being the main farmer

So, my "boss" is on holiday for 2 weeks and I'm now the main farmer on falcon. It was a pretty in eventful first day, we put up the beginnings of a new hay rack up, and I moved one of the wood boxes with the front loader. Pretty relaxed day, though I'm left with a heluva sore throat... Hope it doesn't get too bad for tonorrow.

Saturday, 20 October 2012

My beautiful herd

The light this morning was so pretty, i just had to take a photograph of the herd. Sorry for the poor quality, my phone camera is... Well, it's a phone camera.

Monday, 1 October 2012

First day on Holiday: Boat

So, I'm currently sitting on the top deck of a P&O ferry, I think it's called the Pride of Hull... Though it could be the pride of Rotterdam... We're somewhere off the coast of Holland, and its 5:30 in the morning. Sadly I don't have a phone with GPS so I don't know exactly.....
We're on our way to Rotterdam, and should be arriving in a couple of hours. We've been traveling all night from Hull where we started out last night at about 7:45pm. It's been pretty smooth sailing, the sea looks flat from up here (it's about 30m to the water from here.. Is quite high up...) there is a bit of a, what feels like a North Westerly wind, though I don't know the heading if the boat, but its not causing much swell. The bunks are pretty small and well, adequate...
I'm sitting on the "SunDeck" which is at the top of the boat, overlooking the ocean as it slides by, the moon is on my right hand side, and I can see the light it casts on the ocean.
I'll be honest the iPad camera is a bit rubbish...
Well, I've just moved over to the other side of the boat, Port side, and one inside because its freaking freezing... I can see the beginnings of a sunrise to the east, which tells me we're on a course of about 150... Roughly south for ye scurvy landlubbers, or people who don't know how many angles there are in a circle.... (360 by the way.... 360/0 being North, going around clockwise, 90 being east, 180 being South, 270 being West...) ... Sunrise:
We're passing, what by the anti collision lights appears to be a pyramid.... But on closer inspection as it moves into the light on the sea it seems to be a tanker ship, and now we've caught the bow wave a bit and are rocking gently back. And forth, can't be more than 1 degree over.

So, we've just had an announcement over the intercom that its 7 in the morning local time, in 3 languages... Poor Ulli, she's still asleep in our bunk.. Not anymore me thinks...

Well, we'll be arriving in port in a couple of hours, where I'll try and save and send this...somehow. Wifi anyone? So, good morning world